Lifestyle newborn sessions have recently been added to our list of services for clients. So many of my families really love the idea of being in their own home, surrounded with their own things they love for their newborn sessions.

Lifestyle or in-home sessions are great for families that have older siblings, especially toddlers, that might feel more comfortable in their own home rather than in a long 3-hr posed newborn session.

At home, they can share their toys, read to their new sibling, and take a break to play when they are overstimulated with pictures. Families are also loving being able to include their pets in the session as well. After all, they are part of the family too!

We started offering in-home newborn sessions to clients that reside within New Orleans and surround areas. Are you interested in having an in- home session?  We love to help you plan that session. It isn’t just for newborns either. Older kiddos love helping in the kitchen or having pillow fights at home too.

There are so many fun ways to capture your family in your perfect place.